Your recycling and what happens to it

Local councils

Across all local councils in Northern Ireland

of waste was recycled
saved by recycling instead of disposal
tonnes CO2 emissions was avoided

Find your local council

Recycling rate, value saved and CO2 emissions avoided (in tonnes) based on 2022/23
Local council
Waste recycled
Money saved
Tonnes of emissions avoided
Antrim and Newtownabbey 62% £5m 20k
Ards and North Down 53% £5m 16k
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon 54% £5m 17k
Belfast 37% £5m 24k
Causeway Coast and Glens 49% £3m 12k
Derry City and Strabane 47% £3m 14k
Fermanagh and Omagh 45% £2m 10k
Lisburn and Castlereagh 51% £3m 11k
Mid Ulster 57% £4m 17k
Mid and East Antrim 50% £4m 12k
Newry, Mourne and Down 48% £4m 15k